[Translate to English:] Langlaufkurse für Kinder und Jugendliche in Seefeld und Leutasch

Cross-country skiing: Children´s and Youth courses For children between 6 and 14 years!

The Nordic children´s course programme is methodically structured in a modern way so that fun and games are not neglected. Our terrain park with wave track, downhill runs, jumps, synchronized trails, etc. offers the best opportunities for interesting and varied lessons. We recommend that beginners start with the classic technique until the age of 8.

Cross-country skiing courses for children and youth in classic and skating style

3 days from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

27.12. - 29.12.2023

02.01. - 04.01.24

12.02. - 14.02.24

€ 107,- per child
Full course time 3 x 120 minutesminimum of 4 children
2 x 120 minutes and 1 x 60 minuteswith 3 children

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